Secretary of State at the Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy
This roundtable will serve as a space to discuss and share experiences, strategies, tools and actions for the implementation of the New Urban Agenda and urban dimension of the SDGs, in line with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). It will gather a wide diversity of stakeholders, including across government levels, urban practitioners, organisations of persons with disabilities, academia and representatives from the older persons’ constituency.
Persons with disabilities form 15 percent of the global population but are disproportionately represented in the poorest quantile, facing challenges from discriminatory laws and policies, and lack of services that enable the enjoyment of their rights. Much remains be done to address discrimination and accessibility barriers which sustain inequalities and exclusion of persons with disabilities.
Making the New Urban Agenda (NUA) a reality by promoting accessibility to and inclusion of all people with disabilities as a prerequisite for inclusive, sustainable, and equitable urban development
Secretary of State at the Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy
Africa Disability Forum | DPO Engagement Officer
World Blind Union | Technical Support / Co-rapporteur
WBU-NORAD Fellowship Program | Fellow
UNSG | Special Envoy on Disability and Accessibility
City of Amsterdam | Chief Technology Officer
World Enabled | Chairman
Gdańsk University of Technology | Associate Professor
World Blind Union | Program Officer, Inclusive and Accessible Urban Development
Mastercard | Vice President, Urban Tech Partnerships
Activation Foundation | Vice President, Director of Research and Development Department
World Blind Union | Chief Executive Officer
City of Gdynia | Deputy Mayor
Zero Project | Manager, Public Sector
Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan/ Association of women with disabilities Shyrak, Kazakhstan | Deputy / Chairwoman
Association of Women with Disabilities | Project Coordinator/ Assistant
OHANA | Founder
Active Rehabilitation Foundation | Regional Plenipotentiary
Ministry of Family and Social Policy | Secretary of State