28 June | 10:00–12:00
Hon. Paweł Wdówik

Ministry of Family and Social Policy | Secretary of State

Paweł Wdówik is a graduate of the Centre for Blind Children in Laski and the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Warsaw, as well as creator of the support system for disabled people at the University of Warsaw. From 1997, he has been head of the Office for Disabled People at the University of Warsaw.
In the years 1993–2003 – lecturer at the Academy of Special Education,
in the years 2001–2010 – he also worked as an editor of the Catholic Radio Józef.
Enthusiast of the U.S. Americans with Disabilities Act; for many years he has been actively working for equal rights of disabled people in Poland.
From 2010, member of the expert committee for Disabled People by the Ombudsman.