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Hassan Yakubu

University Mohammed VI | Researcher

Héctor García Curiel

University Center for Art, Architecture and Design, University of GuadalajaraCoordinator of the General Heritage Coordination

Heidi Clarke
Heidi Clarke

Sandals Foundation | Executive Director

Helena Hrapkiewicz

Katowice for the Older People | President 

Hon. Agnes Kirabo

Uganda | Youth Parliamentarian

Hon. Anies Baswedan

Government of Jakarta, Indonesia

Hon. Berry Vrbanovic

GTF | Mayor of Kitchener, UCLG Governing President 

Hon. Camila Crescimbeni

Argentina | Parliamentarian

Hon. Carmen Cecilia Lecaros Vertiz

Ministry of Housing and Urbanism of Peru | Vice Minister

Hon. Carmen Lilia Canturosas Villarreal

Mayor of Nuevo Laredo, Mexico

Hon. Carola Gunnarsson

CEMR spokesperson for international affairs, Lord Mayor of Sala, Sweden

Hon. Cecilia Chamutota

Ministry for Public Works, Housing and Water Resources | Vice Minister