4 November | 11:00–15:00
Nasra Nanda

Nasra is a passionate lawyer by training, and an Honourable Member of County Assembly, in Nairobi City County Assembly(part of the Nairobi County Government), and the CEO & ESG Lead at the Kenya Green Building Society, and Chairperson of the Africa Regional Network of the World Green Building Council.
Nasra is driven by the relentless pursuit of making a positive impact, providing practical solutions, in an ever changing world. Through Nasra's efforts, KGBS was a partner at the Africa Climate Summit, Kenya's built environment commitments COP28, and the Nairobi Governor's office obtained Africa's first IFC EDGE Green Government office.
Nasra's objective is to showcase Africa to the world, and similarly, redefine sustainability in a way that best applies to the Global South, an inclusive approach that is cognisant of Africa's journey, people and challenges, by leveraging her regional, national and sub-national roles.