FCDO | Head of Cities & Infrastructure for Growth Programme
The crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic has shown that urban action at the neighborhood level has the potential to generate direct impacts and benefits on the quality of life and the exercise of human rights of all people. Neighborhood action allows for the promotion of close, compact and connected city models, which in turn work as strategies for social inclusion, as well as for the adaptation and mitigation of climate change.
This special session is based will highlight best practices of intervention at the neighborhood level that have been implemented to address the effects of the pandemic in different countries of the global south.
Social inclusion, urban inequality reduction and prevention of future crises, through multifunctional, ecological and sustainable neighborhood
FCDO | Head of Cities & Infrastructure for Growth Programme
Secretaría Distrital del Hábitat - Bogotá | Secretary
Secretaría Distrital del Hábitat - Bogotá | Deputy Secretary of Planning and Policy
Secretaría Distrital del Hábitat - Bogotá | Secretary
Habitat International Coalition HIC-AL | President
City of Paris | Advisor to Mayor of Paris
WHO Egypt | Representative
OHANA | Founder