OHCHR | Coordinator
This roundtable is a key meeting point for participants working to build sustainable, age-responsive and inclusive cities. It will serve as a space to share tools, strategies, and actions on the implementation of the New Urban Agenda and its role in promoting age-friendly cities.
This roundtable discussion will explore the interactions between age-friendly cities initiatives and other strategic agendas such as smart cities, enhanced social integration and inclusive communities, and access to affordable and adequate housing. It will also present best practices used by UN-Habitat, local and national governments, stakeholders and partners in age-friendly city initiatives.
Exploring the interactions between age-friendly cities initiatives and other strategic agendas
OHCHR | Coordinator
RED. Universidad | Academic
Real Estate Indonesia | Global Ambassador
Real Estate Indonesia | Global Ambassador
UK Research and Innovation | Deputy Challenge Director
GAP Older Persons Partner Constituent Group | Co-chair
Public Space Research Group | Director
Mangu Integrated Community Project | CEO
Adjunct Associate Professor of Family Medicine | Founder, CEO, Director
Perkins Eastman | Principal
Health & Age-friendly Communities AARP International | Senior Strategic Policy Advisor
Ministry of Family and Social Policy | Secretary of State
Katowice for the Older People | President
WHO | Assistant Director-General