5 November | 16:00–18:00
Yasmine Hassane

Yasmine is 20 years old and studies in her 2nd year of Language & Media College at the Arab Academy for Science and Technology.
She has Down Syndrome.
She's a sport's swimming champion and has over 80 medals. She ranked 7th and 9th place in VIRTUS Global Games in France 2023 and also won 3 gold medals in Special Olympics Global Games in Abu Dhabi in 2018.
She was appointed as UN Ambassador for Shabab Balad - Genu Egypt initiative.
VIRTUS Ambassador (International Sports Federation for Athletes with an Intellectual Impairment)
And Finally Regional UCS Ambassador from Special Olympics MENA (Unified Champion Schools Program)
She speaks 3 languages
She is an advocate for inclusion for Persons with Disabilities and strives to inspire others and to make sure to look at the abilities of the person not the disability.