26 June | 11:00–18:00
Teresa Boccia

University of Naples Federico II, Italy | Professor Urban Planning, University, Naples Federico II, Honorary President of AFEM, Co chair Women Group of GAP, , Cochair WNEB ,

Teresa Boccia, architect, is a professor of Urban Planning at Federico II University of Naples, Italy. She leads a course Gender, Right to the City, Urban Safety: Social Innovation Practices and Feminist Urban Planning for Urban Projects. She is founder and scientific director of URBANIMA, an interdisciplinary studies centre dedicated to women, cities, sustainable development and gender issues within the Interdepartmental Research Centre. She is member AGGI of UN-Habitat and co-chair of the WPCG in the GAP. She is honorary president of the International Association AFEM (Association Femmes Europe Méridionale), which groups associations and networks of associations from countries in the South of the European Union. She is co chair of Women's New European Bauhaus of UNESCO chair on gender equality, Universitad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain.