8 November | 10:00–12:00
Sahar Attia

Sahar Attia is an Emeritus Professor and former head of the Department of Architecture at Cairo University (2013-2017), with over 40 years of experience in Urban Planning, Urban Design, and Architecture. Her expertise spans Urban Development, Strategic Planning, Community Development, Urban Regeneration, Informal Area Upgrading, and Public Spaces. Dr. Attia has coordinated numerous national projects with Egyptian authorities and international organizations. She serves on the Supreme Council for Urban Development in Egypt, is a board member of the Social Housing Fund, and is part of SAGE UN-Habitat. She also co-chairs the University Network Initiative for UN-Habitat and is a board member of Ecocity Builders in the USA. In 2021, she was appointed a member of the Egyptian Parliament and serves as Vice-chair of the Science and Technology Working Group at the International Parliamentarian Union (IPU).