28 June | 16:00–18:00
Lance Jay Brown

Consortium for Sustainable Urbanization (CSU) | President

President, co-Founder, Consortium for Sustainable Urbanization; CSU rep, UN Habitat Professional Forum; Architect, Urban Designer, Educator, Author, Competition Advisor, Curator: The Cooper Union, M.Arch and M.Arch/UD, Harvard Graduate School of Design; Fulbright Scholar, Paris; Principle, LJB Architecture+ Urban Design; Assoc. Prof., Princeton; Director and ACSA Distinguished Prof. Emeritus, CCNY/CUNY School of Architecture; Assist. Dir. Design Arts Program, U.S. National Endowment for the Arts; Mostar Reconstruction Workshop; Crosstown 116 project with UN Habitat, AIANY, HUD, CCNY; Past President, American Institute of Architects NYC; Fellow, American Institute of Architects; AIA/ACSA Topaz Laureate; Past Board/Advisor to IUD, AIANYC, AIANYS,BWAF, current NYAB, NDI, GUD Senior Fellow.