4 November | 11:00–15:00
Jayati Das

Jayati Das is an international development professional with 25 years of experience working in complex urban environments. As an expert in urban youth issues, she continues to be a passionate advocate for human rights and meaningful participation of young people in programs and policy. Jayati has advanced this commitment while leading several multi-country global initiatives during her work with INGOs, the UN and its partner agencies, philanthropy and academia.
Jayati led the children and youth constituent group that mobilised and included young people’s voices to shape the New Urban Agenda at Habitat III. She co-designed the Youth 2030 Cities initiative with UN Habitat to centre urban youth voices in the localisation of SDGs. The initiative was piloted across 6 cities in the Healthy Cities for Adolescents Program phase 1, and is continuing to expand to new countries. Jayati is currently leading the advocacy and partnership work stream for Healthy Cities for Adolescents Program Phase