28 June | 16:00–18:00
Didier Vancutsem

IFLA Europe | Vice-President

Didier Vancutsem holds bachelor and master’s degrees in landscape architecture, city and regional planning and regional management.
He is professor at the ULB Free University of Brussels – Faculty of Architecture La Cambre Horta since 2009, involved in Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning Master programs as well as research.
As registered expert for the European Commission and URBACT, UN-Habitat and involved in European and international research projects, Chairman of the Habitat Professionals Forum until 2019, Secretary General (2013-2019) of ISOCARP the International Society of City and Regional Planners, he is currently director of the ISOCARP Institute, its research branch.
Since October 2021, he is Vice-President Professional Practice of the International Federation of Landscape Architects Europe.