30 June | 13:30–15:30
Carolina Urrutia

Bogota | Secretariat of Environment, Bogota, Colombia |

Carolina is the District Secretary for the Environment in the Mayor’s Office of Bogotá.
She has almost 20 years of experience in environmental issues, and has specialised skills in strategic communication, public policy and management.
Carolina Urrutia Vásquez previously directed Parques Cómo Vamos, an alliance between NGOs and academia to evaluate and advocate for Colombia’s National Park System.
She was also the Incidence Director at Transforma, directed Semana Sostenibleat Publicaciones Semana for four years and led the environmental unit at Colombia’s National Planning Department between 2010 and 2012.
Her other past posts include positions at Mexico’s Environment Ministry, Colombia’s Defense Ministry and Colombia’s Green Party.
She has consulted on the linkages between the environment and poverty for the World Bank and UNDP, among other organizations.
She holds an MA in Political Science from Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico and Master’s in Public Policy from Harvard’s Kennedy School.