Unlocking the power of philanthropy to achieve the SDGs
Fifteen representatives from major foundations and philanthropies put their heads together during the Tenth World Urban Forum (WUF10) to innovate on ways to help the international community achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the 2030 deadline.
Several speakers during WUF10, the first UN meeting during the Decade of Action leading to 2030, emphasized this requires the collective action by governments, civil society, business, and philanthropic organizations.
Speaking during the Roundtable, Mr Anthony Pipa from the Brookings Institute proposed a philanthropy commission to think systematically on how philanthropy can support the SDGs.
Mr Stefan Germann, the CEO of Swiss Fondation Botnar, said for many people over the age of 30, “we are living in a digital world with analogue minds”.
He highlighted new innovations from big data and technology aimed at changing the world in a profound manner and in particular making cities better for children and youth.