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Kingdom of Morocco - Ministry of National Territory and Urban Planning, Housing and City Policy

Ministry of National Territory and Urban Planning, Housing and City Policy is the state operator responsible for the implementation of public housing and urban planning programmes in the Kingdom of Morocco.

Hall 2.2


Stand #20


As part of the government's policy implementation in the areas assigned to it in terms of National Territory, Urban Planning, Housing, and City Policy, this Ministry has been entrusted with the following missions:

‐ Adopt a renewed model of territory planning policy based on a prospective vision to promote sustainable and inclusive development of territories.

‐ Adopt a renovated urban policy in order to promote an incentive, prospective, inclusive, and sustainable urban planning so as to accompany the dynamics of territories development; 

‐ Conduct referential and strategic bases of city policy and urban integration towards narrowing the social gaps and disparities and maintaining equilibrium between the territories;

‐ Implement a national housing policy;

‐ Promote and encourage social housing;

‐ Develop financial programmes for social operations and programs supported by the Housing Solidarity and Urban Integration Fund;

‐ Assess the performed operations and audit the operations receiving State support;

‐ Encourage and support real estate development (incentives, land market regulation);

‐ Improve quality, safety, and sustainability in the construction sector;

‐ Strengthen the framework of partnership, cooperation, and consultation between ministerial departments and stakeholders in the field of housing and urban policy.

‐ Restore the value of architectural heritage, support training in architecture, strengthen the availability of training and legal framework of the sector of  National Territory, Urban Planning, Housing, and City Policy;

‐ Modernize and adapt the legal arsenal governing or involving the sector, strengthen decentralization and improve the Ministry’s representativeness on a territorial level taking into consideration the advanced regionalization process, 

‐ Improve good governance, strengthen capacities and develop the framework for partnership and cooperation.