The Sustainable Urban Development Goals (sudg) and the formulation of the National Urban Development Policy (nudp). Establishing relationships with the location of the Sdgs, with the Nau and other international agendas in Brazilian cities
In line with the concerns raised by the National Conferences of Cities and the Council of Cities and in view of concerns that are gaining importance at a global level, relating to the environment, more specifically climate change, and others relating to sustainability and social justice, the technical team from the Ministry of Cities mobilized to organize and prepare inputs that would contribute to the formulation of the PNDU. Such concerns were translated into international documents and agreements, such as the 2030 Agenda, summarized in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the New Urban Agenda (NAU) and the Paris Agreement.
Considering the right to the city, some challenges and opportunities stand out. In this sense, taking as a perspective, basis and example the experience developed within the scope of the SDGs, the formulation of the Sustainable Urban Development Goals (ODUS) was proposed. Conceived as the structuring backbone of the PNDU and an important instrument for communicating principles, guidelines, values and intentions of and for such national policy. They were formulated based on the precepts outlined by NAU and present in the SDGs.
The ODUS are in the process of consolidation, together with the formulation of the PNDU, currently under debate and seeking contributions in the conference process being held in the Municipalities, the Federal District and the States, which will result in the 6th National Conference of Cities, in November 2024. Present in the Base Text: Building the National Urban Development Policy of the aforementioned National Conference, they were systematized into 16 ODUS:
They are also a valuable instrument to assist the process of locating the SDGs, both at the national level and, mainly, at the local (municipal) level, considering the prominence that urban environments have in achieving the SDGs on a local scale.
a) Provide wide dissemination of the SUDG experience among participants in the World Urban Forum;
b) Present the participatory process of elaboration and consolidation of SUDGs and discuss the knowledge acquired in this process;
c) Dialogue about the relations between the SUDGs and international agendas, mainly the SDGs, the NAU and the Paris Agreement, and about the strategies for mutual or shared achievement of such proposals;
d) Exchange experiences with similar processes and inputs from other countries;
e) Point out the importance of social and political commitment in the formulation and implementation of the NDUP.