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National Urban Policy, The new constitution of urbanization in Egypt

date November 7, 2024 | 10:30 - 11:30
Urban Library - room B
General Organization for Physical Planning
UL-B 16


Cities are on the frontline of many of the global challenges the world is currently facing. In Egypt, 75% of the GDP is generated in urban areas and 80% of the jobs are in cities. The slow urbanization rate and the large discrepancies in the Egyptian cities, with the rapid growth of Cairo and Alexandria compared to other regions and cities, there are few available opportunities for inhabitants which are one of the main bottlenecks impacting the social, economic, and environmental sustainability.
Urbanization is the trend of the 21st century, it is inevitable and happening. Sustainable urbanization can be a transformative force, creating prosperity for all, and leaving no place and no one behind. It can create inclusive societies if managed well.
Due to the rapid population growth, an increase in unplanned urban growth is taking place and encroachment on agricultural land and resulting lack of basic urban services. Yet, land consumption is outpacing population growth, densities in many Egyptian cities are declining, congestion and travel time are increasing and the difference between affluent areas and unplanned areas lacking services is becoming larger. Consultations with a wide range of stakeholders confirmed: A National Urban Policy as a guiding framework for transforming the urbanization process.
In line with the adoption of the New Urban Agenda, Egypt formulated its National Urban Policy (NUP) which is considered the guiding framework for transforming its urbanization process as a source of wealth by promoting more compact, socially inclusive, better connected, and integrated cities which are resilient to climate change and foster sustainable urban development.
During the formulation process, a methodology for scaling down the NUPs’ policies to the local level was developed and tested in two governorates to test the applicability of the process. The two applied methodologies have proven the relevance of the NUP to elevate the governorates and their cities' roles and functions within the broader national level. It also helped in identifying the most relevant projects in the readiest cities in each governorate which leads to the best use of the cities’ locations, economic and social benefits, thus ensuring the efficient and effective use of all available resources, hence ensuring the maximum benefits from the urbanization process in each governorate.
The National Urban Policy which is now formally approved and adopted by the Supreme Council for Planning & Urban Development, headed by the Prime Minister, is currently in phase two of formulation its implementation, monitoring and evaluation strategy. In alignment with formulating a rural development policy, GOPP collaborates with UN-Habitat and MoLIT to integrate the People-Centered Smart City Approach into the NUP. This will increase the focus on mainstreaming sustainable and inclusive digital transition and meeting people's needs using digital technologies to improve people's quality of life.


- Launching the National Urban Policy of Egypt and showcasing the new system of Egyptian Cities as an example to other countries.
- Activating a platform for dialogue and fostering collaboration across different relevant sectors and stakeholders through the tailored policy cards that were developed (will be hung as an exhibition during the session)
- Empower local leaders and representatives to lead discussions
- Shedding light on the way forward of the NUP implementation

Session speakers

General Organization for Physical Planning
Prefer not to say TBC TBC
Cities Alliance