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Hub for Housing Justice - Strengthening alliances for just housing futures

date November 7, 2024 | 13:00 - 14:30
Multipurpose room 05
IIED - International Institute for Environment and Development
United Kingdom
NE 05-07


This event will launch the Hub for Housing Justice, an initiative led by the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED). It will bring together key partners and allies to discuss the role that a Hub for Housing Justice can play in advancing more sustainable and equitable urban development. The event will start with a brief introduction by IIED on the key objectives and activities of the Hub. This introduction will outline the added value of the housing justice agenda to challenge current trends of the global housing crisis, proposing anti-discriminatory housing policy and practice; radically democratic forms of housing production; housing as an infrastructure for better cities; and expanded visions for housing futures.

Then, the networking exchanges will be structured around four mechanisms through which the Hub intends to have an impact in housing policy and practice: housing practice dialogue, housing policy dialogue; housing empowerment workshops, and housing knowledge translation. Each of these mechanisms will be addressed by a different partner organisation involved in the design and activities of the Hub, connecting them to one of the four contributions of the housing justice agenda.

1) “Housing practice dialogue” will be introduced by Lorena Zárate from the Global Platform for the Right to the City, exploring ways through which dialogues around concrete practices of respecting, protecting or fulfilling the right to adequate housing can advance anti-discriminatory housing policy and practice;

2) “Housing policy dialogue” will be led by Emilia Saiz from United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), exploring how dialogues about housing policy frameworks between local, national government, civil society, community groups, and the private sector can help promote housing as an infrastructure of care, enabling the production of more equitable and sustainable cities;

3) “Housing empowerment workshops” will be explored by Lajana Manandhar from the Asian Coalition for Housing Rights, reflecting on what needs to be in place for grassroots and civil society groups to play a more impactful role in advancing a radically democratic form of housing production.

4) “Housing knowledge translation” will be explained by Beth Chitekwe-Biti from Slum Dwellers International (SDI), outlining the role of grounded knowledge co-production in expanding visions for housing futures.

In the third part of the session, we will ask participants of the networking session to outline local experiences of advancing housing justice, and what their views are on how the Hub could support them in their ongoing efforts. The session will finish with final remarks from IIED to outline next steps of the Hub for Housing Justice, and explain how those interested can continue to participate in the Hub’s activities.


This session will have the following objectives:

- Informing the design and implementation of collaborations among civil society networks, researchers and multilateral organisations around the advancement of housing justice. Currently, different international partnerships are coming together in the field of housing. While it is important to promote more shared action in this field, it is also important to understand the added value, synergies and complementarities of such initiatives.

- Building synergies and identifying shared agendas around housing justice among civil society networks, research organisations and multilateral organisations. Housing justice is an agenda that has been able to talk to the demands and interests associated to diverse actors. At the same time, there are various definitions and nuances based on the perspective and experiences of different organisations and locations. We will use this opportunity to identify points of convergence and particularities around the housing justice agenda.

- Promoting and disseminating the activities of the Hub for Housing Justice. IIED has committed to promote various activities in this field, and this will be an opportunity to share concrete opportunities for participants to engage in learning exchanges, research initiatives as well as potential joint advocacy actions.

Session speakers

Mr. Alexandre Apsan Frediani
Principal Researcher
International Institute for Environment and Development
Ms. Lorena Zarate
Co-Founder & Member of Support Team
Global Platform for the Right to the City
Ms. Lajana Manandhar
Executive Director
Lumanti Support Group for Shelter
Ms. Beth Chitekwe-Biti
Acting Managing Director
Slum Dwellers International
Ms. Emilia Saiz
Secretary General
United Cities and Local Governments