Seki Hirano
The tools, examples and exercises on HLP shared during the session will ensure that practitioners from different sectors/areas of expertise understand the importance of HLP rights for their work. Participants will learn how: - to use selected tools to mainstream HLP considerations across humanitarian response and include HLP in programming. - HLP rights serve as entry point for integrated solutions and transition towards self-reliance and durable solutions in urban responses
-HLP and Displacement: An Interactive Learning Experience (GSC) - HLP Toolkit (CCCM Cluster) - HLP and Shelter – a toolkit for practitioners - -Durable Solutions for Internally Displaced Persons (interagency course) -HLP Due Diligence -Guidelines Women, Land and Peace -Advocacy brief from InterAction HLP Conference -Security of tenure in Urban Areas -HLP and Natural Resource Due Diligence in NRC -Training Manual on Housing, Land and Property (HLP) -Training on Forced Evictions