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Harnessing the U N 2.0 capabilities to improve quality of life in urban areas

date November 6, 2024 | 09:00 - 10:30
ONE UN room A
UN Global Pulse - Asia Pacific Hub
UN-A 6


The concept of quality of life is paradoxical. Intuitively, we know that certain universal elements–health, safety, education, agency , and social connections–are important to our well-being, no matter where we live. And yet, if you ask different people, in different places, at different times, what they feel contributes to a good life, the vast array of responses is astounding.
Against the backdrop of a rapidly changing world, the notion of what constitutes the ‘good life’ has been altered for many people. It is within this context that the Quality of Life Initiative, implemented by UN-Habitat, has taken shape.
The initiative promotes a human-centric approach to development, given that the consequences of global challenges are experienced at the local and individual level. It aims to provide local leaders with the right knowledge and the tools so that they can understand how their decisions affect the quality of life of their constituents.
The initiative is inclusive, emphasizing that while not everyone defines a good quality of life in the same way, everyone deserves a good quality of life. The New Urban Agenda states “Planning for marginalized groups can improve quality of life for all urban residents, beyond the target group,” which lines up precisely with the philosophy of the Quality of Life Initiative.
The initiative also partners with actors across the UN System, in order to leverage the value that different international organizations can bring to discussions and actions to improve quality of life in cities. The UN 2.0 initiative is the embodiment of a vision of a modernized UN system; through a focus on data, innovation, digital foresight and behavioural science expertise. UN Global Pulse ( The Secretary General Innovation Lab) works as a cross system catalyst for UN 2.0 capabilities. Working at the intersection of human sciences and innovation to inform, inspire, and strengthen the ability of the United Nations family and those it serves to anticipate, respond and adapt to the challenges of today and tomorrow. Their work has contributed to bringing relevant data and expertise for more inclusive delivery on key global agendas.

The planned session will shed light on key initiatives where data, innovation, strategic foresight and behavioral sciences capabilities can contribute significantly to accelerating the new urban agenda and SDGs.


- Discuss the opportunities for applying the capabilities and principles of UN 2.0 ( Data, AI, Innovation scaling, Digital, Behavioral Science and Strategic Foresight) in urban planning and policy design, in a way which is inclusive and enhances quality of life in cities;
- Showcase examples of successful partnerships between the UN system and other actors (private or public sector) which could be leveraged to deliver better quality of life in cities;
- Identify concrete entry for leveraging the capabilities and principles of UN 2.0 to mainstream a focus on quality of life across the UN System

Session speakers

Mr. Ahmed Khamis ElSaeed
Regional Head
UN Global Pulse Asia Pacific
Mr. Martin Mubangizi
Head of office
UN Global Pulse Uganda
Ms. Raphaelle Vignol
Global Coordinator, Quality of Life Initiative
UN Habitat
Mr. Joe Hooper
UNDP Global Centre for Technology , Innovation and Sustainable Development
Ms. Sukaina Al Nasrawi
Lead of Sustainable Urban Development Portfolio