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From the global to the local- How data can inform urban solutions to displacement

A unique opportunity to learn about how data can inform urban solutions to displacement, sharing insights and best practices, plus an overview of the new “Global Framework on Solutions to Urban Internal Displacement” developed by UN-Habitat and IIED.

Corina Demottaz


date November 6, 2024 | 13:00 - 14:30
Multipurpose room 21
Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre
NE 21-04


As urban displacement continues to rise, municipal governments face pressing challenges in addressing the needs of displaced populations and supporting their pathways towards durable solutions. This event provides a unique platform to learn from experts from humanitarian and development organizations and municipal authorities on how data can inform urban solutions to displacement, sharing insights and best practices.
The session will begin with an overview of the “Global Framework on Solutions to Urban Internal Displacement,” developed by UN-Habitat and IIED. The Framework highlights the key shifts in mindset and operational approaches that are necessary to realize calls for longer-term, development-oriented responses to protracted urban displacement. The session will then explore how to operationalize these global frameworks at the municipal level, translating high-level concepts into actionable strategies. Key discussions will focus on data and context analysis tools that can inform decision-making and support the integration of displaced individuals into urban settings. Attendees will gain insights into successful practices from various countries, including Colombia and Mozambique, which can inform their own local strategies.
Participants will not only deepen their understanding of the challenges and opportunities associated with urban displacement but also learn how to harness data for more effective policy-making. This event advocates for inclusive approaches, emphasizing the importance of involving affected communities in developing solutions that truly address their needs. Join us to connect with peers, share experiences, and empower local authorities to enhance their responses to internal displacement in urban areas.
As the Office of the Special Advisor on Solutions to Internal Displacement (OSA) seeks to encourage longer-term, development-oriented responses, ownership and engagement from municipal governments will be critical to ensuring success. To accompany the implementations of these international standards at city level, access to reliable information and displacement profiling is key. The international community has developed a wealth of tools to generate quality, timely and accurate data and analysis, along with tools to support city-level decision-making on displacement responses and solutions. These tools are meant to better inform policy and programmatic decision making and by aiding local authorities to take the lead in these processes. Yet, many of these tools are yet to be deployed to their full potential, as many local government authorities faced with protracted urban displacement may not be aware of their existence.
The session will seek to translate these conceptual elements of global frameworks into concrete realities, drawing on specific examples from Colombia, Niger, Mozambique and Cameroon. Representatives from JIPS, IMPACT Initiatives and IDMC, as well as municipal authorities themselves, will respond to the following questions in a discussion format, to explore and share insights:
- How can global frameworks and national strategies be translated and operationalised at the municipality level? How can local learning feed into global processes? What tools and data are available to support this?
- How have municipalities responded to urban displacement? What are the best practices, key challenges and lessons learned that can inform future response?
- How can we strengthen the response to displacement to urban areas, drawing on recommendations from the OSA and Independent review of the humanitarian response to internal displacement?


Harnessing the momentum of the Action Agenda on Internal Displacement and the OSA, and the growing attention from government and development stakeholders to the topic of internal displacement, the key objective of this session is to guide participants through the data and analysis tools available to inform durable solutions planning and response, such as settlement and area-based approaches, urban profiling and severity assessments. By showcasing concrete examples of promising practices to harness data to better respond to internal displacement in urban contexts, the panel aims to inform and guide local authorities and other actors, empowering them to incorporate such tools and approaches in their own development plans and strategies. To this end, the session has 3 key objectives:
1. Contextualize Solutions: Translate the global to the local and vice versa, emphasizing the importance of solutions linked to development and local planning, and fostering urban environments conducive to self-reliance and local integration.
2. Inform Decision-Making: Demonstrate how local authorities can better incorporate data and analysis tools into their processes to design effective policies and programs to support IDPs’ in their pathway towards solutions and to inform sustainable urban planning.
3. Advocate for inclusive approaches: Promote the inclusion of affected communities and local actors in the development of solutions plans that respond to their needs and priorities.

Session panelists

Ms. Louise Thaller
Senior Research Manager on Urban Assessments
Impact Initiatives
Ms. Alesia O'Connor
Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre
Ms. Lucy Earle
Director, Human Settlements Programme
International Institute for Environment and Development