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Empowering Cities for the Digital Age - Lessons from a data-driven resilience approach in Southern African Cities and towns

date November 7, 2024 | 09:00 - 10:30
Voices from Cities - room D
Open Cities Lab
South Africa
VC-D 11


This panel discussion at the World Urban Forum (WUF12) will delve into the transformative role of data-driven planning in enhancing urban resilience and sustainability of growing urban centers like eThekwini/Durban and Cape Town in South Africa and rapidly urbanizing towns, such as Rehoboth and Rundu in Namibia. Funded by the UK Government’s Urban Resilience Programme in South Africa andin collaboration with GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) and UNITAC (United
Nations Innovation Technology Accelerator for Cities) in Namibia, these cities have embarked on a pioneering journey to harness data-driven strategies that streamline municipal service delivery and promote equitable access to information, fostering inclusive, safe, and sustainable urban spaces.
Representatives from eThekwini (ETK), City of Cape Town (CCT), Open Cities Lab (OCL), the UK Government's Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), Rehoboth and Rundu Town Councils, the German Development Cooperation (GIZ) and the United Nations Innovation Technology Accelerator for Cities (UNITAC) will discuss the successes and challenges of their ongoing initiatives. They will share insights into the integration of open, secure, and human-centric digital solutions that have been pivotal in advancing urban governance and infrastructure management (aligning with Sustainable Development Goals 11, 16, and 17).
Key focus areas will include
the development and deployment of digital tools that enhance efficiency, transparency and accountability in government operations,
the application of gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) principles in technological deployments,
and the cultivation of agile, responsive governance frameworks that can adapt to rapidly changing urban dynamics.
data collection and analysis to facilitate evidence-based, integrated urban development
digital data interventions tailored to specific local needs of cities, towns and their communities
Specific achievements to be discussed:
ETK: Launched 5 strategic use cases, including the Council Resolution App to improve council document accessibility and decision-making transparency.
CCT: Began implementation of a revamped Data Strategy (via use cases), enhancing data governance and increasing administrative responsiveness.
Regional Impact: Building inter-city data and digital value chains for shared learning and capacity building
Rehoboth Town Council: integrated urban concept plan based on extensive data collection and analysis of socioeconomic household surveys, developing digital job cards
Rundu Town Council: analysis of water meter data to understand non-revenue water
Panellists will also explore the role of public-private partnerships in scaling data and digital innovations and the critical importance of community participation in shaping interventions that are effective and equitable.


Showcase Achievements: Highlight first-year progress in ETK and CCT, focusing on data asset creation, capacity building, and robust stakeholder engagement.
Discuss Data-Driven Governance: Explore methodologies such as user-centered design and agile development that have supported the programme's success. Detail the development of responsive data strategies for city-specific challenges.
Outline Challenges and Solutions: Address municipal instability and vendor lock-in, with strategies including governance restructuring and the adoption of open-source platforms.
Promote Scalable Models: Share frameworks and toolkits, like the Responsible Tech Principles and GESI scorecards, that other cities can use to replicate ETK and CCT’s success and promote inclusive urban development.
Address Inclusivity through GESI Frameworks: Discuss the application of GESI scorecards in technology projects to ensure solutions are inclusive and equitable, benefiting marginalized groups.
Engage and Inspire Action: Foster a dialogue on global application of these lessons, encouraging adaptation and implementation of similar data-driven approaches, emphasizing technology's role in creating a human-centric, accessible future.
Demonstrate the impact of localized data-driven solutions for urban development and resilience building: To showcase how precise, localized data collection and analysis can significantly contribute to better planning and decision-making.

Session speakers

Mr. Richard Gevers
Open Cities Lab
Ms. Shabari Shaily-Gerber
Head, Urban Economic Development
UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office
Ms. Nevana Srikissoon
Manager: Projects at eThekwini Municipality
eThekwini Municipality
Mr. Freddy Shihepo
Head of Town Planning
Rehoboth Town Council
Mr. Adriano Abraham
Head of Town Planning
Rundu Town Council