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Decentralization as a Tool for Service Delivery and Development The Egyptian and Dutch Experience

Hesham El Helbawy


date November 6, 2024 | 18:00 - 19:00
Urban Library - room B
Ministry of Local Development
UL-B 14


This event is hosted by the Egyptian Ministry of Local Development in collaboration with VNG International and the World Bank Group, and aims to explore the multifaceted process of decentralization in both Egypt and the Netherlands. Decentralization is a complex process influenced by historical, political, financial, and administrative factors unique to each country. Recognizing this, the event will illuminate the diverse approaches and achievements in gradual administrative, economic, and financial decentralization. It will particularly focus on empowering local administrations in Egypt while drawing insights from the Dutch experience.
The event will showcase the Egyptian government’s commitment to tangible progress in urban governance by launching its national roadmap. Egypt has successfully put together a national roadmap, which outlines concrete steps and timelines to gradually empower local administration units to provide public services efficiently and effectively derived form local governance principles. the event will also shed the light on international best practices that enables the decentralization policies to better meet the citizen’s needs.
The session will be structured as follows:
-Opening remark
-Short keynote speeches
-The Egyptian Roadmap for decentralization and local administration empowerment Launch
-Showcasing the best practices in achieving decentralization in the Netherlands by VNGI
-International best practices for decentralized local services' delivery by WBG
-Panel discussion and interactive session
-Synthesis and recommendations

Overall, the event serves as a platform for knowledge exchange, capacity building, and policy dialogue, aiming to foster effective and sustainable decentralized systems for service delivery and development in both Egypt and the Netherlands


1.Highlighting Approaches and Progress: The event aims to showcase the methods undertaken and progress achieved in decentralization efforts, emphasizing the empowerment of local levels in Egypt. It will also present the Dutch experience to provide comparative insights.
2.Launching the Egyptian Road-map: A significant objective is the launch of the Egyptian Road-map, outlining the country's strategy for implementing decentralized systems in local administration units over the next three years. This roadmap prioritizes empowering local units to deliver public services efficiently, transparently, and accountably.
3.Sharing Best Practices: The event will feature best practices from the Netherlands and international contexts, including initiatives supported by the World Bank. Notably, it will highlight the successful "Upper Egypt Local Development Program," implemented in Sohag and Qena governorates from 2018 to 2023, which received acclaim from international institutions like the United Nations and the World Bank.
4.Promoting Transparency and Accountability: Ensuring transparency, accountability, and responsiveness in the decentralization process is paramount. The event will discuss mechanisms and strategies to achieve these goals, drawing from both Egyptian and international experiences.

Session panelists

Ms. Manal Awad
Minister of Local Development
Ministry of Local Development
Mr. Albert Van Hal
Project Manager Business Unit MENA Region
VNG International
Mr. Roland White
The World Bank
Mr. Ahmed Rezk
Country Director
UN Habitat Egypt
Mr. Hesham Abou EL Nasr
Assuit Goveronrate