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Cities Leading Innovative Solutions Towards Climate Resilience in Migration Contexts

date November 8, 2024 | 09:00 - 10:30
Voices from Cities - room A
Watershed Task Group
VC-A 16


Urban areas stand at the forefront of the global response to climate change, grappling with the dual challenges and opportunities of environmental sustainability and human mobility. Climate change impacts, disasters and other environmental changes are driving millions of people to seek refuge in cities, which are themselves being transformed by rapid urbanization and increasingly exposed to risks. Informal settlements, often home to many of forcibly displaced populations, are often situated in areas prone to flooding, landslides, and other climate-related risks. More than 1 billion people located in low-lying cities and settlements are expected to be at risk from coastal-specific climate hazards by 2050 and An additional 350 million people living in urban areas are estimated to be exposed to water scarcity from severe droughts at 1.5°C warming, and 410.7 million at 2°C warming This creates a vicious cycle of vulnerability, as those already displaced by climate change are at heightened risk of further displacement.
Addressing these challenges requires urgent action to tackle the root causes of climate-induced displacement and enhance resilience in urban areas. This requires holistic approaches that integrate climate resilience and migration considerations into urban planning and development strategies. Key priorities include investing in sustainable infrastructure, social services, and community resilience.
The event aims to showcase experiences from cities that are driving participatory solutions addressing climate-related migration issues. It will bring together local governments in different contexts, from coastal cities to monotonous towns, offering a platform to share insights on climate-induced migration and innovative urban solutions. The focus will be on highlighting tangible impact stories, offering valuable insights into the strategies being implemented at the local level to address the interconnected challenges posed by climate change, forced migration and urban development.
Examples to be explored include but will not be limited to: urban ecosystem-based adaptation through urban governance structures that include urban communities and displaced populations, ensuring their participation in the restoration and preservation of ecosystems. (Douala, Cameroon), Urban initiatives addressing climate change while simultaneously fostering social inclusion. (Bogota’, Colombia), and the incorporation in urban planning and key sectoral policies of evidence-based considerations on how climate and environmental change will affect migration and urbanization trends in the coming decades. (Paris, France)
By showcasing city-led solutions, the event aims to foster connections between local governments, practitioners, and experts to drive positive change in climate resilience and adaptation efforts. It also seeks to encourage supportive actions by national governments and international organizations.


The event aims at showcasing successful strategies and approaches to inspire innovative solutions and encourage replication in other contexts.
• Gather and sharing insights from local governments regarding the multifaceted challenges posed by urbanization in areas susceptible to climate vulnerabilities and the current pressing needs and solutions carried forward.
• Deepen understanding of the intricate intersections between migration patterns and environmental hazards, fostering more informed decision-making.
• Create a platform for the interchange of innovative urban planning methodologies and exemplary practices, facilitating collaborative learning and connections among governments and communities.

Session speakers

Mr. Moby Mpah Édouard Hervé
Douala IV Municipality
Mr. Carlos Galan
Distrito capital de Bogota
Ms. Anne Hidalgo
Mayor of Paris
City of Paris
Mr. Manuel Moniz Marques pereira
Head of Division for Migration, Environment, Climate Change and Risk Reduction 
Ms. Jiacong Ang
Human Settlements Officer