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Cities at the Forefront Multi-level governance for Urban Water Resilience. Insights from innovative municipal flood and drought risk management.

date November 5, 2024 | 17:00 - 18:30
Voices from Cities - room E
VC-E 5


Key learnings from the UN 2023 Water Conference and from COP28 emphasize the urgency of preparing cities for the uncertain future in the face of climate change, and to deliberate on strategies for closer alignment between local and national climate planning. Cities, as hubs of innovation and resilience, play a pivotal role in driving climate action further. However, the integration of urban perspectives into national climate policies remains a challenge.
Effective climate action in cities requires strong collaboration and enabling frameworks established by national governments, with strong participation from cities being indispensable to achieving ambitious climate goals. There is a clear and urgent need to localise implementation of the National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and for this, the engagement of subnational governments in global and national policy and implementation discussions should be strengthened.
This event will bring cities, national governments, and practitioners together to foster dialogue and action to bridge the gap between national policies and local urban resilience efforts, focusing on water climate adaptation. The Mediterranean drought crises and Broward County’s floods will be presented as a case studies to illustrate innovative municipal water management, multi-level and transboundary water management stories. Attendees will explore integrated strategies for resilient urban water systems, groundbreaking approaches to water management, and the roles of governance and community involvement. Presentations will cover best practices such as rainwater capture, wastewater reuse, desalinization, and AI-based models enhancing water use efficiency. Furthermore, the session will leverage lessons learned from other initiatives like Water as Leverage focussing on inclusive and multidisciplinary approaches to create bankable, equitable and scalable solutions. By showcasing cities experiences, the event will outline next steps to bridge the gap between national and local urban resilience efforts and encourage participants to remain actively involved in advancing urban water resilience with multi-level governance approaches.
Event structure
1. Welcoming Words and Setting the Scene. Urgency of adapting urban water management for climate challenges. Overview of multilevel governance and national-local policy alignment in NAPs. Special guest: Esteban Leon (Head of the CRGP by UN-Habitat)
2. City Voices: Innovative Flood and Drought Risk Management Approaches. City representatives share experiences on urban water resilience and climate adaptation. Focus on challenges and successes in localizing national climate policies, highlighting the Mediterranean drought crisis and Broward County’s recent floods.
3. Roundtable: Bridging Local and National Climate Planning. Discussion of good practices and challenges in aligning local and national policies with Q&A.
4. Closing Remarks and Next Steps. Special guest: Josep Canals Molina (MedCities).


• Examine the role of multilevel governance in aligning national climate policies with local urban water adaptation efforts.
• Enhance understanding of the water-climate nexus to bolster urban planning cognizant of compounding shocks and stresses and climate resilience.
• Highlight the crucial role of cities as drivers of climate action emphasizing the importance of integrating urban perspectives into national climate policies.
• Highlight the unequal impacts of the climate crisis and the water risks associated with it on vulnerable communities, and the need to address water risks in an inclusive, equitable and sustainable manner.
• Showcase case studies, to illustrate how cities can inform and contribute to the development of NAPs.
• Leverage the lessons learned to outline actionable next steps for bridging the gap between national policies and local actions, fostering multi-level governance approaches for advancing urban water resilience.
• Identify best practices and strategies for enhancing collaboration between cities and national governments in addressing urban water resilience.
• Discuss how water resilience planning, with cross-sectoral and cross-regional collaboration in approach, can be a key guide to planning for a water-secure future that protects the well-being of populations.
• Provide a platform for knowledge exchange among experts, policymakers, and professionals involved in urban water management, water governance, and climate planning.

Session speakers

Ms. Stephanie Janssen
Social Inclusion and NBS Specialist, Water as Leverage Coordinator,
Mr. Raf Tuts
Director, Global Solutions Division
Ms. Jennifer Jurado
Chief Resilient Officer Broward County
Mr. Mounir Laymouri
Mayor of Tangier
Tangier Municipality
Ms. Nuria Parlon
Deputy for Urban Agendas and Public Policy Innovation and Mayor of Santa Coloma de Gramenet
Diputacio de Barcelona Barcelona Provincial Council