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Circular Economy in Action Rethinking Urban Growth and Development

Fiona Littlejohn


date November 8, 2024 | 09:00 - 10:30
SDGs in Action - room C
UNECLAC - United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
SDG-C 16


The event Circular Economy in Action: Rethinking Urban Growth and Development is designed to bring together experts, urban planners, policymakers, innovators and other stakeholders from the Latin American and Caribbean region to explore how cities can transition from traditional linear economic models to circular economy frameworks. In a rapidly urbanizing world, cities are faced with growing challenges such as resource depletion, waste generation, and environmental degradation. The circular economy offers a sustainable alternative by prioritizing the reduction of waste, reuse of materials, and regeneration of natural systems, fostering more resilient and eco-friendly urban environments.

This event seeks to provide both theoretical insights and practical examples of how circular economy principles can be integrated into urban development strategies. Through expert-led discussions, case studies, and interactive dialogue, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the transformative potential of circularity in addressing critical urban challenges, such as waste management, resource scarcity, and sustainable infrastructure development.

The event will begin with an overview of the core principles of the circular economy, focusing on their application to urban settings and exploring how these concepts can reshape the way cities manage resources and design their infrastructure. Cities are typically based on a linear “take-make-dispose” model, but transitioning to a circular model encourages closed-loop systems where resources are reused, contributing to sustainability goals. A discussion between stakeholders including policy makers at national and local levels, civil society and academia will follow presenting case studies, areas of opportunity and challenges that the region faces in embarking on this transition.


This side event aims to:
• Provide an understanding of circular economy concepts, focusing on how they can be applied to the urban context.
• Highlight the shortcomings of traditional linear economic models in cities and the environmental and social benefits of transitioning to circular systems.
• Present case studies and examples of cities that have successfully implemented circular economy models
• Explore the Role of Policy, Governance, and Collaboration in transitioning to a circular economy model


United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean ECLAC
The forum of Ministers and High Authorities on Housing and Urbanism from Latin America and the Caribbean MINURVI

Session panelists

Mr. Diego Aulestia
Chief Of Human Settlements Unit
United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
Mr. Gabriela Elguetta
Secretary of Housing and Urbanism
Ministry of Housing and Urban Development of Chile
Ms. Juan Pablo Poletti
Municipality of Santa Fe