UN-Habitat | Executive Director
This roundtable will build upon the recent review of the implementation of the New Urban Agenda and the high-level meeting of the UN General Assembly in April 2022. It will provide an analysis of current efforts to integrate housing and urban development into the Common Country Analyses and the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Frameworks.
The session will present the United Nations Development Coordination Office (UNDCO) and UN-Habitat joint initiative to enhance country level programming on urban development to assist member states in the implementation of the New Urban Agenda for the achievement of the SDGs.
United Nations support to the Implementation of the New Urban Agenda at country level
In what ways can country Level, multi-agency programming on sustainable Urban development contribute to DCF outcomes on poverty reduction, social equality, economic transformation, climate action, or crisis reduction and recovery?
- What are some of the ways UN country teams can utilize joint Urban programming to facilitate multistakeholder platforms and multi-Level governance mechanisms to engage national governments, local governments, professional associations, business leaders, and grassroots organizations?
- How can UN country teams leverage joint Urban programming to mobilize domestic and international, private and public investments to finance the SDGs?
UN-Habitat | Executive Director
ECOSOC | President
International Union of Architects UIA | Chairperson of UN Habitat Professionals Forum HPF
UNICEF | Director of Social Policy and Social Protection
Huairou Commission | Chair
UNDCO | Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia
UNDCO | Resident Coordinator, United Arab Emirates
Minstry of Housing and Urban Development, Cameroon | Minster
Unit Head, Urban Health, Health Organization, Geneva | Unit Head
UNDCO | Resident Coordinator, Serbia
UNECE | Secretary to the Committee on Urban Development, Housing and Land Management Commission for Europe
UNDCO | Resident Coroordinator, Cameroon
European Commission, DEVCO | Head of Unit F4 – Sustainable Transport and Urban Development
UNDCO | Resident Coordinator, Mexico
UNDCO | Resident Coordinator, Lao PDR
UNDP’s Deputy Director | Bureau for Policy and Programme Support (BPPS)
United Cities and Local Governments | Secretary-General
UNEP | Deputy Executive Director
Partnerships and UN Collaboration Division, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) | Director
UNICEF | Director of Social Policy and Social Protection
Unit Head, Urban Health, Health Organization, Geneva | Unit Head
UN-Habitat | Emergency Response Director
IOM | Head of Unit Migration and Sustainable Developmentn
New York Liaison Office, UN-Habitat | Director