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New Urban Agenda and European Urban Agenda, how to articulate scales for the implementation of the SDGs?

Adeline Faure


date June 28, 2022 | 15:30 - 17:00
Multifunction Hall Room 18
Integrated Governance in Spatial Planning for a More Just, Green, and Healthy Urban Future
NE 78


The French Partnership for Cities and Territories is a multi-partners platform that gathers a wide range of stakeholders committed to sustainable urban and territorial policies (local authorities, ministries, private sector, NGOs, experts, researchers etc.). In 2021, all the members worked in groups on various and main topics (health, food, culture, transborder cooperation, housing, informal settlements, resilience, biodiversity, digital, mobility and women) for the implementation of sustainable urban development based on a prospective approach. How would be the future of cities and territories in 2050, if the SDGs have been achieved according to these topics? What concrete actions must be implemented in the 10 upcoming years to reach the objectives? The outputs of these groups, under the form of recommendations and inspiring experiences, mean also to serve the implementation of the urban agendas. The work of these groups highlighted inspiring practices implemented by French and European stakeholders. The work helped by Science Po students for the PFVT is focusing on the articulation of the New Urban Agenda and the Urban Agenda for the European Union represents a base of question and reflexion on how to improve the implementation of the agendas in Europe and how Europe is at the forefront. The event French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the 1rst of February organized by the Ministry of Ecological Transition and the PFVT, was a first milestone to share common commitments with European stakeholders and to identify concrete tools for the implementation of the agendas on different topics (multi-level commitments, biodiversity, land-use sobriety and affordable housing, cross-border cooperation, health and food, women in the cities, and urban project management). In fact, it is necessary to ensure for all stakeholders, from the citizen to above, to understand, to join and to act concretely and with ambition on common bases and values, for the implementation of urban agendas. Therefore, we questioned: how the European urban agenda can be a spearhead and inspiring process to implement the new urban agenda? This event at the WUF will gather a panel of French, European and UN-Habitat representatives. It will be an opportunity to pursue the reflexions and discussions engaged by the work of the members of the PFVT and during the symposium to highlight Eurepean tools about the implementation of the urban agenda.


This event represents the second milestone for renewing the discussions, in the context of the most important international event on sustainable urban development. It will be focusing on the articulation between worldwide, European, national and local scales with the ambition to inspire other regions and territories to open dialogues on the European and French experiences and practices for the implementation of urban agendas. The output of this event will enrich the first productions and will be a contribution for the renewal of the NUA and European agenda, and for opening bridges between different scales in order to accelerate the implementation of the NUA. The objectives of this event will be concretely to open debates between high-level stakeholders from different scales and different regions of the world, on the proposals made by the French Partnership for Cities and Territories about the challenges of articulating urban agendas. From the debates, we will provide recommendations based on concrete experiences, improvements to be made and tools that can be implemented in the process of creating and implementing urban agendas in coherence with global agendas and objectives of sustainable urban development.

Session speakers

Ms. Jan Olbrycht
Member of the European parliament, president of the urban intergroup
European parliament
Ms. Katja Schaefer
Inter-Regional advisor and project manager
UN Habitat
Ms. Wallis Vanderbrock-Gollen
Senior Expert attached to the Deputy Director General for Urban and Territorial Development and Inclusive Growth Head of the REGIO Project Group on the Long Term Vision for Rural Areas
European Commission
Ms. Marlène Siméon
Platforma CEMR
Mr. Hubert Julien-Laferrière
Member of the French Parliament and President of the PFVT
French Parliament